Politically correct? Heck no. There are six of us, the spawn of Ed and MJ. We may be outnumbered by the Drexlers, but we're less loutish. And we're comin' for you.
Ok, I was intrigued by the idea, but as a rule I have never blogged before. I do prefer to think of us as a fun family before grammatically correct. It leaves the door open for more silliness. Plus if I screw up my grammar, I don't have to feel guilty or under suspision of Bud being my dad as well as Mike's. By the way, Happy birthday a day early Marky Mark!!!
Thank you, Carol. Don't worry about screwing up your grammar, by the way. I came up the name because I was riffing on a comment from some random Drexler about us being "the most grammatically correct family" he'd ever seen.
By making you a contributor, you can post anything you want; I don't care what you put up there. If you want to post Photoshopped pictures of Mike in a compromising position with Hillary Clinton, or any other damn thing, go right ahead. That's what it's here for. I have my regular blog for my DEEP THOUGHTS, and I plan to use this space for stuff like Drexler-bashing or making fun of FIBs. Think of this blog as an online Vegas, only without showgirls, gambling or blow.
And we are fun. As was said in a different context, we put the fun back in dysfunctional.
I am a bit concerned with the Drexler obsession. I wouldn't let the bastards get you down. After all they are just jealous. Of what I can't say for sure, but I know they have every reason to be so. Right on!!
OK, so we've joked about Mom having adulterous affairs with Bud the Orange Juice Guy and me being the result (look at the monster I created), and now Hillary Clinton having an adulterous affair with me (or at least the photoshopping of it). Who says we're not louts?!!!
For the record, I have never delivered any "orange juice" to Hillary Clinton.
We also are one up on a few of the Drexlers in an area other than grammar. I can't speak for everyone else with 100% confidence, but I'm pretty sure that most of us haven't we ourselves since we learned how to use the bathroom.
And even if one of us may have wet themself, I'm pretty sure that we'd have the common decency to not go out in public, or at least not go out in Cleos.
"Hey Ricky, you pissed your pants!"
"I did not"
"Then how come the stain is perfectly symmetrical"
I'd also like to take a moment wish a grammatically correct birthday to Mark the founder of this blog (December 2) and to Carol the first poster on the blog (December 3).
You can expect certificates good for one half gallon of Orange Juice from the Rice Juice Company of Kingsford Michigan from Bud.
"Mom why do we keep getting this orange juice, it's awful. It's almost as bad as Sunny Delight."
"We have to because Bud is a veteran, and he was hurt in the war."
I'm glad everyone seems ready to play. I think this is fun. Now the thing is, make sure you sign up as a contributor, like Carol and Mike did. That way you can put up posts and control the agenda of this thing, too. The note y'all got from Blogger should walk you through the process.
And don't worry, Carol, you don't have to bash Drexlers. There are plenty of other people to bash. Mike already seems to have a bullseye on his ass, pretty much in the same place it's been since the demise of Mike City back in the 1980s....
Oh wow - how can I not join in on this? I always enjoy an opportunity to engage in Heuring Revisionist History.
Mike, your orange juice delivery line was extremely well played. :) See, I come here not to bash Mike, but to honor him.
Mark, I'll add my wishes for a happy birthday! 44 is indeed symmetrical, even, divisible by 2, 22, 4 and 11, and a palindrome (can numbers be palindromes?)In short, it has to be the start of a year full of better things for you!
Ok, I was intrigued by the idea, but as a rule I have never blogged before. I do prefer to think of us as a fun family before grammatically correct. It leaves the door open for more silliness. Plus if I screw up my grammar, I don't have to feel guilty or under suspision of Bud being my dad as well as Mike's.
By the way, Happy birthday a day early Marky Mark!!!
Thank you, Carol. Don't worry about screwing up your grammar, by the way. I came up the name because I was riffing on a comment from some random Drexler about us being "the most grammatically correct family" he'd ever seen.
By making you a contributor, you can post anything you want; I don't care what you put up there. If you want to post Photoshopped pictures of Mike in a compromising position with Hillary Clinton, or any other damn thing, go right ahead. That's what it's here for. I have my regular blog for my DEEP THOUGHTS, and I plan to use this space for stuff like Drexler-bashing or making fun of FIBs. Think of this blog as an online Vegas, only without showgirls, gambling or blow.
And we are fun. As was said in a different context, we put the fun back in dysfunctional.
I am a bit concerned with the Drexler obsession. I wouldn't let the bastards get you down. After all they are just jealous. Of what I can't say for sure, but I know they have every reason to be so. Right on!!
Grammar notwithstanding, let it be said that each person who thinks he is supeior simply due to diction, does not know with whom he is wrangling.
OK, so we've joked about Mom having adulterous affairs with Bud the Orange Juice Guy and me being the result (look at the monster I created), and now Hillary Clinton having an adulterous affair with me (or at least the photoshopping of it). Who says we're not louts?!!!
For the record, I have never delivered any "orange juice" to Hillary Clinton.
We also are one up on a few of the Drexlers in an area other than grammar. I can't speak for everyone else with 100% confidence, but I'm pretty sure that most of us haven't we ourselves since we learned how to use the bathroom.
And even if one of us may have wet themself, I'm pretty sure that we'd have the common decency to not go out in public, or at least not go out in Cleos.
"Hey Ricky, you pissed your pants!"
"I did not"
"Then how come the stain is perfectly symmetrical"
I'd also like to take a moment wish a grammatically correct birthday to Mark the founder of this blog (December 2) and to Carol the first poster on the blog (December 3).
You can expect certificates good for one half gallon of Orange Juice from the Rice Juice Company of Kingsford Michigan from Bud.
"Mom why do we keep getting this orange juice, it's awful. It's almost as bad as Sunny Delight."
"We have to because Bud is a veteran, and he was hurt in the war."
Thank you, Pat! 44 is uneventful, if symmetrical.
I'm glad everyone seems ready to play. I think this is fun. Now the thing is, make sure you sign up as a contributor, like Carol and Mike did. That way you can put up posts and control the agenda of this thing, too. The note y'all got from Blogger should walk you through the process.
And don't worry, Carol, you don't have to bash Drexlers. There are plenty of other people to bash. Mike already seems to have a bullseye on his ass, pretty much in the same place it's been since the demise of Mike City back in the 1980s....
Oh wow - how can I not join in on this? I always enjoy an opportunity to engage in Heuring Revisionist History.
Mike, your orange juice delivery line was extremely well played. :) See, I come here not to bash Mike, but to honor him.
Mark, I'll add my wishes for a happy birthday! 44 is indeed symmetrical, even, divisible by 2, 22, 4 and 11, and a palindrome (can numbers be palindromes?)In short, it has to be the start of a year full of better things for you!
This is a fun idea - we'll see what happens...
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