There's Dad, placing the crown on former KHS legend Birdie Kneepkins, or however the hell you spell that. It's 1952 and I have no idea who the other clown in the Sydney Greenstreet outfit is. It might actually be a department store mannequin, although it sure looks like he's checking Birdie out and wondering if he can get some of that. Since it was 1952, we can safely assume the answer was no. And even if the answer were yes, the dude would have needed a machete to hack through all that taffeta.
Dad was a pretty dashing figure, though, wasn't he? The wagon wheel in the background is a nice touch, too - almost looks like some sort of hillbilly halo for the lovely Miss Birdie.
Dad's been gone for a long time and the other principals in this photo, assuming they are still alive, are now both likely spending most of their time pursuing early bird specials instead of young love. And if their grandchildren are attending proms, the boys might be having trouble keeping their pants from falling down off their butts, if what I'm seeing these days is any indication.
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