So I was just talking to Marge on the phone about Christmas stuff, and since she got my name, we were talking about what I might like for Christmas. I mentioned the possibility of some clothes I can wear to work and out in society. After I said that, I mentioned to Marge that if the six-year old version of me was to hear that, he would flip his lid. So, here is how I think a conversation with my six-year old self about Christmas would go:
6-year old Mike: What do you want for Christmas? I want toys!!!
31-year old Mike: Actually, I think some clothes for work would be decent.
6-year old Mike: WHAT?!!! CLOTHES?!!! Why would you want clothes for Christmas? Next you're gonna tell me you don't like the Cowboys anymore.
31-year old Mike: Well, I am a Packer fan.
6-year old Mike: GRRRR!!!! You don't want toys, you don't like the Cowboys?!!! What's next? You like girls now too? It's bad enough you like Margaret now!
31-year old Mike: Well, when you grow up, you actually start liking your brothers and sisters. And, boys usually start liking girls.
6-year old Mike: GRRRRR (that would probably be how I would express anger, considering this was just after I was told I couldn't swear until I was 12)!!! At least you still hate all veggies, right?
31-year old Mike: Actually, I sometimes eat the occasional veggie. But not onions....
6-year old Mike: You've changed....but onions are yucky! At least you still like cereal, right?
31-year old Mike: Oh yeah...but I have bad news for you, kid...they don't sell Halfsies anymore.
6-year old Mike: Grrrr.....
Well, the six-year old version of me wasn't that articulate. Hell, the 31-year old version of me isn't that articulate. But, that would probably be the jist of it.
So, my question to the group is this: What would the 6-year old version of you think of the adult version of you?