Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The way we were (Darboy edition)

No one's posted here lately, so here's a link to an aerial photo of Railroad/Creekview including our old house (from 1992, so we still lived there). Hey Pat, is it still on the market?

The photo was taken on 5/6/1992. For fun, let's speculate on what may have been happening at the house when that photo was taken.


Mr. D said...

Mike was eating massive amounts of cereal. Marge wasn't. Dar was wondering why she was living in this big ol' house. And Ben Boogaard was coming over to fix something and spouting off his usual impressive conjugations of the term, "cocksucker."

Ordinarily I'd edit that but I've heard you all say much worse. Then again, so has Ben B.

Was Carol still living there then?

Marge said...

Oooh, I'll play!

On 5/6/92, I might have been getting ready to go to work at Darboy Fried Chicken. I was really feeling big because I'd recently gotten a raise to $5.00/hr! The raise was a good thing, because prom was coming up and dinner at Victoria's wasn't cheap. I had to prepare for my date with the latest in a string of "loves of my life," Burt Fairchild. I was also getting ready to graduate from Kimberly High School, and had a severe case of Senior-itis. I'd checked out of my studies weeks before.

I might have actually been in Anaheim California for DECA Nationals when this picture was taken... Wasn't that about the time of the Rodney King Riots? My flight home from LAX was delayed because of the riots and we had to leave from Orange County instead. And, that was right around the time of the Class of 1992 Senior Skip Day. I missed this because of DECA Nationals too...

Mike, you might have been begrudginly getting ready to go to work at DFC. You weren't as fond of slinging chicken for the Salms as I was. If not, perhaps you had a shift at Little Seizures? Or you were about to go pal around with Sean Stephens and Ben Uitenbroek. I bet you were a little past your heavy duty cereal consumption days, but not by much!

Dar was in the house. Dar was pretty much always in the house unless she was going to Oneida. She was very, very sad and missing Dad terribly. That was a rough time for all of us, but definitely for Dar!

I think Carol was still in Milwaukee, taking underage Mike on the Miller Brewery Tour. Carol lived in a really cool apartment!

Mike, was Peaches still alive? I think she was, but I think she died very soon after this time. She wasn't well that spring - lots of accidents on the carpets.

Fun little walk down Memory Lane! Thanks!!

Mike said...

Here's what I think was going on at that point.

I probably had a fair amount of cereal, but not as much as in middle school days. This was also right around the time I got my license. I had not started at The Fried yet, and it would be another year before I started slinging pizzas and crazy bread at Little Seizures (nice use of my term there, Marge!). I was a sophomore, listening to grunge and angry hip-hop. The music matched my mood mostly. The previous alliteration was not intended, but it works.

Marge was doing everything she said she was doing, including being within 30 miles of the riots. That had to have been surreal.

Dar was likely wondering when that damn Michael was going to mow the lawn. God did I give her grief or what? Along those same lines, Brown was cutting his grass and dipping his lawn tractor into our yard. Either he was helping me out or claiming more territory.

Carol was still at UWM at that point. Hopefully, she didn't have to drink beer out of a Sprite can like I did when I went to a party with her that weekend. I was allowed in, but couldn't drink. It took me hours to drink the Sprite I was given. It magically refilled with beer!

As for Peaches, I believe she was already gone at that point. Like I told Marge this past weekend, I got to go with Dar when we took Peaches to be put to sleep. That was not fun at all.

Paulie said...

May 6, 1992. I'm not absolutely certain but in that picture I think I see something on the lawn. Could it be? No it cannot be an unattended Lawnboy mower. And do I hear the muffled cries of practical joke fallout from the houe? I think I do! That can mean only one thing: Mike needs to get back out and finish mowing the back 40. Come to think of it, by the time he "finished" the part where he started needed mowing again.
That vintage photo is a great find!

Mike said...

I am going to have to declare shenanigans on that one, Paul. There is no way in Hades that the little lawn mower designed for Milwaukee or Chicago-sized lots is visible in that picture. Mowing damn near an acre with that thing sucked. The only thing worse than mowing that lawn was raking it. Don't get me wrong, I loved that yard. I still think it was the greatest yard ever, perfect for baseball, football, and spud (Marge knows that game). But, having to maintain it makes me want to live in a condo and pay association fees so that someone else can do lawn care if/when I can afford to buy a house or condo.

On another note, I would love to see an aerial photo of that area now. A lot has changed in the almost 16 years since that picture was taken.