42 is what you are. Congratulations on reaching the age that is synonymous with the answer to life, the universe and everything.
Maria would be happy to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Patrick Star" to you; well, at least the parts that she remembers. Here it is:
Twinkle twinkle Patrick Star
I made myself a sandwich
It tastes like beans and bacon
My mother makes it fresh
I have a head, it ends in a point
Pointy pointy pointy pointy pointy
P.U.! What's that horrible smell?
That's all she can remember. Hope that your birthday is memorable, too!
I am pretty sure Pat is 43 now. I mean, unless we all get to have do-overs on our last age. Yippee, I am 31 again!!
Man, you're right! Wow, I've been away from the bank for a few years and my math skills have really gone south! Now, Jill has a comment to add:
At least Mark didn't call him Peaches.
That's something, I guess.
Maria is a true original. I love the song!!!
Happy belated birthday, Pat!
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